On Friday, 13 December, the Enterprise Hotel in Milan welcomed more than 150 entrepreneurs and market participants for the UNICMI 2024 Assembly.
In the institutional report, President Mauro Durazzi stressed that many “regulatory transitions”, such as the new CE Marking, the CAMs, the Green Home Directive, the Construction Products Regulation and the DSNH Principle, will influence the market in the coming years. He also highlighted how, Division by Division, UNICMI will keep its Members constantly updated thanks to its value of regulatory control, in Italy, in Europe and in the world, a value that means, in concrete terms, for each Member, to be able to count on a sure, clear point of reference.
The President illustrated the main activities of the Association, including training courses, collaborations with the University of Genoa for transport safety, publications and technical reference documents and laboratories on the market. He also highlighted the work on Minimum Environmental Criteria, which will enhance installation and quality brands.
Durazzi then highlighted how the Assembly is dedicated to exploring transitions that are equally decisive for the market of the near future: the NRP as an investment turbine to accompany industrial supply chains and SMEs to digital, technological and energy transitions, the aesthetic transition of building envelopes determined by sustainability, the transition of mobility through the renovation and new construction of road and railway infrastructures, the transition determined by the progressive decline of the push for building bonuses.
Finally, the President of UNICMI stated: “In the renovation, tertiary, new construction, and infrastructure markets, aluminium doors and windows, curtain walls, ventilated facades, metal carpentry, products for mobility infrastructures, joints and supports for decks, panels, scaffolding and all the industrial supply chains that support them must play leading roles. With the sustainability and quality of our products and with the professionalism of our companies. And let's get to the reason why I insist that they must. They must because they can. We must because we can, and if every entrepreneur can, if every business manager can, he must. And we can because our companies and our products have so many important keys to access these markets: the keys to sustainability, safety (of roads and buildings), energy efficiency and acoustic comfort (again, on streets and in buildings), the key to regulatory quality and the key to the industrial supply chain rooted in the territories and rich in skills, the key to the quality of the products and the responsibility for their installation. All this with an extra key that belongs only to our members: a common home like UNICMI which, by representing the needs of each individual, succeeds in empowering us all. This is why we can, and so we need to be optimistic.”
Mauro Durazzi concluded by stressing that the peculiarities of the “UNICMI system”, its supply chains, its know-how and its way of doing business must be communicated and how MADE can be the ideal exchange platform for anticipating the future of construction to the market thanks to the constant dialogue between Fiera Milano and UNICMI.