The results emerging from the customer satisfaction survey carried out by an independent institute which questioned visitors to the recently concluded edition are most definitely positive: half of the participants carried out commercial activities during the days of the event.
Milan, 29 May 2019 - From 13 th to 16th of last March, the Milano-Rho Fiera was the setting for MADE expo, the most important Italian event in the world of construction and architecture. The 2019 edition was able to boast 900 exhibitors and 47,500 square metres of exhibition area and registered more than 90,000 visitors, of which about 10% were foreign.
As with the two past editions, with the aim of evaluating the just concluded event and starting to plan the next one, MADE eventi commissioned Kantar, one of the most important insight, analytic and consulting agencies worldwide, to carry out an investigation in order to discover how satisfied visitors were. This task was conducted immediately following the event and involved a significant sample of designers, construction companies, installers and intermediaries.
The visitor is a professional with a position of responsibility: 80% are managers or have managerial roles in companies and 83% are decision makers.
The survey showed that almost all the visitors to MADE expo said that they were satisfied with the event (with 70% who were very satisfied) across all the target areas, a percentage that is up by 4% from the previous edition.
Visitors also continue to express a high level of recommendation for MADE expo with an increase in NPS, in other words the figure that indicates loyalty, satisfaction and the willingness to generate positive word of mouth; this figure is particularly significant for intermediaries, construction companies and contractors
91% of respondents recommended a visit to colleagues.
There was also a significant degree of satisfaction with the reasons for choosing to take part in the event. On average all the targets were more satisfied with their visit than in 2017, especially due to the increasing specialization and significance of what was on offer.
Half of the visitors carried out commercial activities during the days of the event (63% of construction companies), an increasing sector compared to 2017 and almost 1/3 of the visitors think that they will conclude at least one order in the next 3 months.
Discover the other results of the survey
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